Ownership of Aras Kuasa Sdn Bhd

The interested party has some level of ownership or control over the entity referenced in this ownership or control statement. This should be described with reference to either an entity statement or person statement, or, where the interested party is unknown, details of why.
Nature of Interest
Is this interest held directly or indirectly?

CEO and Executive Director, Pek Kok Hing, Non-Executive Non-independent Chairman
Substantial Shareholder, Lee Tek Mook @ Lee Teh Moh, and CFO Lim Wei Hung of Southern Alliance Mining Ltd.  hold in aggregate 100.0% of the issued share capital of Aras Kuasa Snd Bhd

This field may be used to provide the local name given to this kind of interest, or any further semi-structured or unstructured information to clarify the nature of the interest held.
The exact share of this interest held (where available).
The upper bound of the share of this interest known to be held.
The lower bound of the share of this interest known to be held.
When did this interest first occur. Please provide as precise a date as possible in ISO 8601 format.
When did this interest cease. Please provide as precise a date as possible in ISO 8601 format.
This name will be displayed in the URL.