The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (Malay: Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat), abbreviated KPWKM, is a ministry of the Government of Malaysia responsible for social welfare: children, women, family, community, children, older people, destitute, homeless, disaster victim, disabled.
The Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (Malay: Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia), abbreviated KKMM, is a ministry of the Government of Malaysia that is responsible for communications, multimedia, broadcasting, information, personal data protection, special affairs, media industry, film industry, domain name, postal, courier, mobile service, fixed service, broadband, digital signature, universal service, international broadcasting, content.
The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, abbreviated KPDNHEP, is a ministry of the Government of Malaysia that is responsible for domestic trade, co-operatives, consumerism, franchise, companies, intellectual property, competition, controlled goods, price control, pyramid scheme, consumer rights, trader.
Ministry of Works (Malay: Kementerian Kerja Raya)
Depending on the decision of the Prime Minister on Cabinet formation, these two ministries are either split or combined as one.