Audit done betwen March to June 2015 found ACC HRPZ II had to deal with increasing needs of Kelatan citizens, the audit found short comings in samples of construction works and equipment implemented by the contractor and procurement of medical equipment
Procurement of 6 boats was not constructed well due to poor planning, implementation and oversight. Resulted in delays, but also additional cost of RM1.4 Billion according to Attorney General Audit report 2006
2018 National Audit Report Series 2 found that during 2016-2018 period RM3.2 Billion was spent, on this program of which 35.3% of contract awards were to contractors who had a fake bank account.
Melaka ICT Holdings Sdn Bhd (MICTH) a Melaka State owned government, in audit by National Auditor General for 2019, found found RM1.3 million in payment vouchers were made without approval or exceeding the officers' powers and one of the senior officers issued appointment letters to seven contractors without the board's approval