
Jomo: CEP didn’t produce report on country’s economy

The members of the Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) under the previous Pakatan Harapan administration did not produce a report on the economic and financial policies, Jomo Kwame Sundaram revealed. Jomo (above), who is a former member of the CEP, said the council did not collaborate on such a report. “We were given 100 days. The report was prepared by a secretariat under Daim (Zainuddin). But there was no report (by) the entire CEP. “There is another report by the committee (made up of) mainly five lawyers on legal reforms. That was perhaps an interesting report,” he said.

Isabelle Leong, Malaysiakini,  (28 Mar, 2023).  Jomo: CEP didn’t produce report on country’s economy.  Retrieved 28 Mar, 2023,  from