Money Laundering charge Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim

Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, Member of Parliament for Baling and UMNO member, charged with nine counts of money laundering of nearly RM140 million

Disclosure Timeline

  • 15 Jan, 2019  -  Abdul Azeez And Abdul Latif Arrested For Prosecution (MACC)

    THE MALAYSIAN Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) today arrested Baling MP, Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim and his brother, Datuk Abdul Latif Abdul Rahim for corruption and money laundering after receiving consent for prosecution from the Attorney-General’s Chambers. The two were arrested at 4.30pm at the MACC Headquarters, Putrajaya. Both will be charged in Kuala Lumpur Sessions on 16 January 2019 at 9.00am under the MACC Act 2009 and Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act (AMLATFPUAA) 2001.


Money laundering charges are in conjunction with bribery charges for RM4 Million for highway project
