Education Ministry ‘mismanaged’ 1BestariNet project

The Education Ministry mismanaged the RM4 billion 1BestariNet e-learning project for schools nationwide, says the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). The Parliament-bound action group also said the reasons given by the ministry during the probe over the project were “unacceptable” and clearly showed contract mismanagement.


Mismanagement of 1Bestarinet in Education Ministry
1BestariNet is a project initiated by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and implemented in collaboration with YTL Communications. In this project, 10,000 schools throughout the country will be equipped with high-speed Internet access and virtual learning platform that provide the high-speed Internet network as well as access to world-class integrated learning solutions.

Directly implicated parties

Indirectly implicated parties

Implicated parties through circumstantance

Disclosing Parties



The Malaysian Reserve,  (03 Apr, 2017).  Education Ministry ‘mismanaged’ 1BestariNet project.  Retrieved 12 Mar, 2021,  from

